Tuesday, October 15, 2013

PROMPT # 17 "Define Beauty"

BEAUTY means something different for everyone in the world. When I typed “definition of BEAUTY “in Google, the first definition that came out was: a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight. This is a definition where beauty means a person who is very beautiful. By this definition, for someone to be beautiful, he or she would have to be pretty in every single way. Art can be beautiful as well. I have seen many different kind of art sculptures, art drawings and paintings of drawings my many different artists. Every artist in the world has a different style of how they show their sculptures, drawings, and paintings. Some artists just SPLASH paint all over a paper and call that BEAUTY and art. Some of those paintings are displayed in famous museums. When people see this kind of art, some people think WHY IS THIS EVEN DISPLAYED IN THIS MUSEUM, but others think of how BEAUTIFUL and meaningful the painting looks. I believe that everyone in the world has a different view on what is beautiful or not.

                The second definition of BEAUTY in Google was: a beautiful or pleasing thing or person, in particular. This can also mean that if something is beautiful in one person’s eyes, then for that person the definition of BEAUTY is this. Everyone has a unique definition of BEAUTY for themselves. I believe for a person, beauty is not just the way a person looks but is how a person is on the inside. A person could do plastic surgery and fix everyone on their body to LOOK beautiful. The meaning of BEAUTY cannot just be determined by the looks of a person because if anyone with money in the world could go do plastic surgery and become pretty even if they looked really ugly before. Also, the meaning of BEAUTY should not be determined by the way one acts. Anyone in the world could act any way they want. People could act FAKE just to look good in front of a person they want to. A person could act a different way to get what they want to. The only BEAUTY I believe in is a person’s ACTUAL personality. That is like the inner beauty of someone. A person’s personality does not change because one wants it to change. A person may act differently and act like they have a different personality, but in the future, their real personality does not change entirely. If a person was kind and helpful to everyone in the past, and if that was his or her personality, but if something happened in the middle and the person changed his or her personality entirely, that would not matter because in the future he or she would remember his or her personality again and return to his or her personality again. OPPOSITELY, if a person was mean and disrespectful to everyone around them before, and changed his or her personality into a kind, caring person, it does not mean that the person’s real personality would return. If a person who was mean and disrespectful in the past tries their best and puts a lot of effort into changing their bad personality, it may seem like the person has changed their personality entirely, but in real life if that person comes under a type of situation where he or she has to turn back to his or her personality, then that person would trash every effort he or she tried to become a nice person and would turn back to the mean and disrespectful person.

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