Today’s blog topic is “WHO IS MY FAVORITE SUPERHERO.” From when I was young, I did not
really like superheroes; I was more of a little girl who went out to socialize
and play outside with my brother and my friends rather than to stay inside and watch
TV. This does not mean that I did not like watching TV. As I grew a bit older
and became about 9 I started to enjoy watching TV, but what I enjoyed were TV
shows where famous Korean stars came out in. I guess I liked watching real life
people more than watching cartoons. Even though I say this, I still watched a
lot of cartoons when I was young, like SpongeBob, Tom and Jerry. Korean
cartoons, etc. If I had to choose my favorite Super hero, it would be Batman.
Batman is not only my favorite
superhero, but also the only superhero that reminds me of my childhood with my
brother. I have one older brother who is two years older than me. My brother
liked playing superhero games, so I was always his assistant/opponent. I do not
remember every single memory about my childhood but this event has stayed with
me until now, in my head. Every time I see Batman
I remember the time I played Batman with my brother. I was four years old and
my brother was six years old when this happened. My brother asked me to play Batman with him. He told me that I
could be Batman and that he will be
the enemy. At first I did not want to play because I was a girl, and I did not
want to act like a guy. I wanted to be Cat women but my brother told me that the
Cat woman was really weak and that I should be Batman. He persuaded me to be Batman, so I agreed to him, well,
because he was my brother. I did not know what I was supposed to do because it
was my first time playing a super hero game. He told me that he would be the
bad guy, so I would have to fight the bad guy because I was Batman, and Batman usually saved the world. I was four, so I just listened to
my brother and went along with what he said. I stood up and started to fight
him. Then I hit him in the face… like hard… like REAL hard. I hit him so hard
that his tooth fell out……….. I was so surprised that after I hit him I closed
my eyes. I hit him because he told me to, and from my point of view, I don’t
think I hit him that hard for my brother’s tooth to fall out… My mom came and I
thought I would be in BIG BIG BIG trouble but luckily it was a tooth that my
brother HAD to take out, so I actually had done a good thing for my brother. My
mom said Joon was lucky because when I hit his teeth, his teeth fell out and
didn’t go into his throat. If it had gone into my brother’s throat, I would
not go into my brother’s throat. Well anyways, that is one of the reasons why
my favorite SUPER HERO is Batman. Batman brings back memories for me where I
fought with my brother when I was little. It lets me remember the little
moments I forgot about in my childhood. That is why BATMAN IS MY FAVORITE SUPERHERO.
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