Thursday, September 26, 2013

PROMPT #11 "If I were to have one super power, what would it be and why?"


         “If I were to have a super power, what would it be and why?” If I could have a superpower I would want to have the power to TELEPORT. I always take a long time to get ready to do something or go somewhere. When my alarm rings SUPER LOUD in the morning to wake me up, I open my eyes and simply turn off my alarm and go back to sleep.  Then at about 7 o’clock my mom runs up and tells me to wake up and get ready for school! When I wake up in the morning I don’t remember that I woke up and turned my alarm off and fell asleep again. I thought that my alarm on my phone didn’t ring, but when I went down my mom told me she heard music and that she heard me turn it off. I really don’t understand how I do not remember a single thing when I’m tired. One time I was going to study for my AP test the next day, but I was so tired so I just wanted to sleep for about an hour, so I told my brother to wake me up at 2 o’clock. When I opened my eyes it was about 3:30 and I jumped up and went right to my desk to study for my test. In the morning I told my brother why he hadn’t woken me up. He got mad at me and said that he went to my room about 10 times to wake me up and that he shook me and kept telling me to wake up but that I didn’t budge. Then he said he tickled my feet and I almost kicked him in the face and that I just told him to go away. I don’t remember a single thing my brother told me that morning, because I did not remember. I wish I had the power to teleport, because then I could just sleep more in the morning and in the twenty minutes that it takes me to go to school, I could just study twenty minutes more or I could sleep twenty minutes more. Also if I get to school and I remember that I forgot something, I would not have to call my mom and have her bring the thing I forgot to me, I could just go and come back. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!

            My second reason I want to have the power to teleport is because if I could teleport, I could go anywhere in the world anytime I want to. I would not have to pay for the airline tickets and I would not have to worry about missing school because I could just go and come back in a day! I could also visit my family and friends around the world whenever I want to. I could accomplish my dream of traveling around the world and going to places that I would never have the chance to go to. It would be awesome to have the power to teleport because you could just go anywhere you want to, whenever you want to.

            My third reason why I think being able to teleport is a good idea because if a hurricane was going to hit, I could teleport to get help to my house. If a robber stole my purse and is running away, I could just teleport and get my purse back. If someone was getting hurt, I could go help them. If I had this power, I would not only use this power for myself, but also for the benefits of people around the world.

PROMPT # 10 "Should SIS allow students to use the cell phones during the school day or not?"

           Should SIS allow students to use the cellphones during the school day or not?” I DEFINITELY agree that students should be allowed to use their phones during the school days, but only if it is for a reason. OFCOURSE students should not be allowed to use their phones if they are going to text their friends, or play games but students should be allowed if they are going to call their parents for an emergency or if they want to order lunch from somewhere. Also, in some occasions for a lab at school, students are allowed to use their phones to take photos of their lab procedures, so why not just let the students be allowed to use their phones for a good use.

            Now students are not allowed to use the office phone to call restaurants to order their lunch. I heard that it was because that went over the school lunch system and that if students kept using the office phone (school property) then they would stop serving the 75 cent lunches. ANYWAYS so this could be a good reason that students should be allowed to use their phones because if they had forgotten to order the day before or in the morning, they could just text the restaurant or call the restaurant to tell them that they want to order. That would only take about three minutes max and then the students could just put their phone away. If students at SIS were to do that at school right now, when the approval of cellphone use has not been passed, they would get their phones taken away  and would have to get it by the end of the week. The person would also get a detention and have to talk to Dr. Jenkins (Our headmaster) to get our phone back. This would decrease the work that the teachers have to do if they catch someone using their phones and the students would not have to disrupt the headmaster to get their phones back. This is only in the case if the student uses the phone for this specific reason, if the student has used the phone to text their friends or other purposes then the consequences should be valid.

            Another reason students should be allowed to use their phones is if their parents need them and if it is urgent. People do not think that kind of cases would happen that often, but it is something that could happen and has a fair percentage that it might happen, even at rare occasions. I am not saying that the students should be allowed to use their phones during class while the teacher is talking, or could text whenever they want to and listen to music during the break. I am only saying that the student should be able to use their phone only if they are going to call their parents, if an emergency call comes they could ask the teacher to be excused from class to pick it up, they could order food from various restaurants if they had forgotten to, they could use their phone to take pictures of school projects, they could call their parents if they do not feel well and want to go home, and they could leave their parents a message if they had forgotten something important at home. Those are only the reasons when a student should be able to use their phones at school. If a student is caught using their phone for any other reason, then that student should be forbidden to use their phones at school, but all of the other students should be allowed. 

PROMPT # 9 " What are the three things that will make my life perfect?"

     “What are the three things that would make my life perfect?” This prompt made me think for a while, because there are so many things that could make my life better than it is now, but perfect would be a hard word to describe my life.  I think a person’s life cannot be perfect, but if I had to choose three things to make my life perfect, I would choose my families safety and health and money. My first thing would count as two because it is for my family to be healthy and safe.

            The first thing that would help make my life perfect is my family’s health and safety. If I could have the assurance that my family would not be in danger and would be healthy, that would help my life become perfect. I always worry about things that have about ONE percent possibility of happening, like my mom or dad passing away for no reason or bad things happening to my aunties and uncles or my grandma and grandpa or my cousins and my brother. Nothing has happened until now, but I cannot stop worrying. Whenever I watch the news channel or read an article about something bad happening, I always fear that it might happen to me. When I was in second grade my mom, my brother, and I watched this Korean movie that was about this ten year old boy being kidnapped, AND IT WAS A TRUE STORY! The ten year old boy had been overweight, so the mom had told him to go down to the park and to jump rope 500 times then come back. It was like a routine for the boy to go down and jump rope after dinner because he had done that every day. Then one day he did not return so the mom went down and found her son’s jump rope on the floor. Later in the movie, the kidnapper calls the mom and dad of the kid and asks them for money. The kidnapper lets the parents hear the boy’s voice saying “help mom and dad, help” but it turns out that the voice of the boy had only been a recording and the kidnapper had already killed the son. At the end of the movie the son is found by a lake, and after experimenting it turns out that the son had died on the day he was kidnapped and the kidnapper had tricked them to get money by using a fake recording. After the movie ended it let us hear the real voice of the kidnapper and it said in subtitles that he might be still alive today. After I read that I was SO SCARED that everywhere I went I held someone’s hand or stayed behind my brother. I feared that this could happen to our family too, (which now I think of it was very unlikely) so one of the things that would make my life perfect is my families safety and health. I wish my parents, my brother, my aunties and uncles, my cousins, and all of my other aunties (not real aunties but are like my real aunties) would be healthy and safe for the rest of our lives.

            The second thing that would make my life perfect is just enough money for my family to live without the thought of needing to make enough money. I have lived apart from my dad for about 13 years now, and the reason was because my dad traveled to many different countries to work so that he could support our family. I always wanted to just live with my family and not worry about money, so my goal for the future is to make a lot of money and let my mom and dad live happily without having them work so that they could rest and relax and do everything they wanted to do in the past.

PROMPT #8 "In The Past People Were Friendlier Than We are Today.AGREE OR DISAGREE?"

Do you feel like the world has changed a lot, and I mean A LOT from ancient days? Not ancient but from maybe about fifty or thirty years ago? The world has changed A LOT. From the past years, there were many technological improvements and numerous improvements that have made the world today possible for us. As time passed, the technology advanced and people were able to do anything easily. An example could be how before the internet was invented, if someone was curious about, let’s say “elephants” then they would have had to go to the library to find books about elephants or would have had to look up elephant in the encyclopedia. After the internet was invented, people could just type in the word “elephant”on Google and in about two seconds numerous sites would come up where they would tell you information a whole lot of information about elephants. I feel that people were friendlier before all of these improvements.

Before some of the improvements on various things like cellphones, television, cars, and many other things, people were friendlier. I feel like when people do not have something they tend to be nicer. If the inventions and improvements were never made, people would not have had the tendency to look down on people who cannot afford many expensive things. Nowadays, everyone in the world cares about what they wear, and what they own. If someone does not have a phone these days, he or she would be teased. If someone does not have an expensive brand laptop; he or she would be teased. If someone does not wear expensive clothes, he or she would be teased. If someone does not have brand bags like Chanel or Prada, he or she would be teased. If someone does not have brand shoes like Nike and Adidas, they would be teased. If someone does not have the newest iPod or phones, he or she would be teased. If we were in the old times, it would not have mattered what you owned or what you had because everyone did not care a lot about those things. People did not mind what people owned because there were not many new inventions back then and people did not look down on you just because you could not afford to buy something. If you see it this way, people in the past were friendlier than how people are today.

People in the past were friendlier because there were no reasons for them to tease someone for anything. Now if someone does not like how their nose looks like, or how their lips or eyes look like, they could just go get plastic surgery and become pretty. You could even be extremely fat and just pay to get your fat removed without having to do any exercise. The bad thing is that only the rich people could afford to pay for these expensive operations. So the rich could be less friendly to the poor because they have more power over what they could do and how they could look. Being friendly is not just being kind to one person; it is how you treat everyone. If you see how the world has changed with all of these improvements, it could be a plus for the world but could also me a negative thing. These improved operations and modernized things to buy has made this world more modern and a more advanced world, but it has made a line between the people who could afford it and who cannot afford it. If you see it in this way, people were friendlier in the past than they are today.

Friday, September 13, 2013

PROMPT #7 "Who is My FAVORITE SuperHero?" BATMAN!

 Batman is not only my favorite superhero, but also the only superhero that reminds me of my childhood with my brother. I have one older brother who is two years older than me. My brother liked playing superhero games, so I was always his assistant/opponent. I do not remember every single memory about my childhood but this event has stayed with me until now, in my head. Every time I see Batman I remember the time I played Batman with my brother. I was four years old and my brother was six years old when this happened. My brother asked me to play Batman with him. He told me that I could be Batman and that he will be the enemy. At first I did not want to play because I was a girl, and I did not want to act like a guy. I wanted to be Cat women but my brother told me that the Cat woman was really weak and that I should be Batman. He persuaded me to be Batman, so I agreed to him, well, because he was my brother. I did not know what I was supposed to do because it was my first time playing a super hero game. He told me that he would be the bad guy, so I would have to fight the bad guy because I was Batman, and Batman usually saved the world. I was four, so I just listened to my brother and went along with what he said. I stood up and started to fight him. Then I hit him in the face… like hard… like REAL hard. I hit him so hard that his tooth fell out……….. I was so surprised that after I hit him I closed my eyes. I hit him because he told me to, and from my point of view, I don’t think I hit him that hard for my brother’s tooth to fall out… My mom came and I thought I would be in BIG BIG BIG trouble but luckily it was a tooth that my brother HAD to take out, so I actually had done a good thing for my brother. My mom said Joon was lucky because when I hit his teeth, his teeth fell out and didn’t go into his throat. If it had gone into my brother’s throat, I would have been in HUMONGOUS, ENORMOUS, ULTRA SUPER DUPER TROUBLE………Thank god it did not go into my brother’s throat. Well anyways, that is one of the reasons why my favorite SUPER HERO is Batman. Batman brings back memories for me where I fought with my brother when I was little. It lets me remember the little moments I forgot about in my childhood. That is why BATMAN IS MY FAVORITE SUPERHERO. 

PROMPT #6 Which of the SEVEN sins am I most guilty of?? SLOTH

“WHICH OF THE SEVEN SINS AM I MOST GUILTY OF?” When I read this prompt I thought to myself, what does this mean? I thought seven sins were things like murder or kidnapping, then I asked my friend SOPHIA if she knew what this meant and she replied, “Your same as me, you should do sloth” at first I was confused. Then she said “YOU’RE LAZY AND I’M LAZY WERE BOTH LAZY.” (In a good way :) , because we both are really lazy ><)

After researching about the seven deadliest sins, I found out they are not murder or kidnapping, but actually Greed, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, and Wrath. Lust is to have a desire for anything, Envy is to be jealous, Wrath is being furious and angry, Gluttony is having the desire to eat, Pride is having the desire to be more attractive or better than others, Greed is having the desire for possession, and Sloth is failing to do things or being lazy. I thought about it, and I am most guilty of SLOTH! I LOVE being active. I love playing sports, hanging out with friends, and being social but at times I get a bit lazy… like a sloth I guess... Or maybe… REALLY lazy… but that doesn't mean I don’t get things done. :) Even though I procrastinate, meaning that I leave things until the end to finish, I still get things done eventually. I usually always leave my homework to finish it at the last minute. I always wanted to fix my habit of putting things to the end, but I learned the hard way that a habit is really hard to change. I think I have always done things I want to before finishing my homework or studying for tests. When I turned 13, I started to watch A LOT of Korean drama. When I say A LOT, I mean REALLY REALLY A LOT. I LOVE watching Korean dramas; I think I have an addiction to watching dramas. Once I start watching one episode, I cannot stop myself, so I continue to watch the other episodes then end up watching drama for the whole day, then ending up with a really bad headache the following day. :) I really take way too long finishing my homework. When my other classmates take about TWO hour to finish all of the homework, it takes me more than FOUR hours. :) The main reason I get lazy is because of my lack of concentration. I have a habit of doing other things while doing my homework. I would not be able to concentrate unless I am in my room all alone, where it is really quiet. I sit on my desk after school and start my homework, but then I get really sleepy so I say to myself I will just take a quick nap and finish my homework right after my nap. I am always tired and sleepy because I sleep really late every day. I am in the volleyball team, so I have practice every day after school so that is also a reason why I am always tired. To fix my habits, I will have to learn how to MANAGE MY TIME WELL.

From now on, I am really going to change to never procrastinate.  I am going to fix my habit into finishing my homework before I do anything else. I have been lazy and therefore the sin I am most guilty of was SLOTH, but I am going to change so that I will not be lazy anymore and be more active. :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

PROMPT#5 Your Favorite Trip

The topic for my blog today is “MY FAVORITE TRIP”. I have traveled to many places around the world during my lifetime so far. (In the 16 years I've lived) Some countries I have been to during the 16 years of my life are Guam, Saipan, China, Hong Kong, Japan, England, France, Korea, and Peru. I have lived in Korea for four years, Guam for five years, Shanghai for three and a half years, and Saipan for about four years. The other countries on my list are the places I traveled with my family and friends during vacations. I have so many other places I want to visit. I have never been to America because none of my parent’s relatives live there and also because America is very far away from where I live. One of my LIFETIME goals is to travel AROUND THE WORLD and visit EVERY COUNTRY POSSIBLE. 

My favorite trip from all the trips I have gone to was Peru. Our school, Saipan International School has a trip that is run my Ms. Mili called “Destino Peru” This trip is when a group of high school students travel together to Peru and stay in Peru for three weeks doing activities  and spending time together. I went to Peru for the summer of 2013. We left on June 12th and came back on July 4th. This trip was a LIFE changing experience. We had to spend about 30 hours on the plane and in the airport to get to Lima, Peru. We went to Guam, then to Hawaii, then to Costa Rica, then finally to Lima. I chose Peru as my favorite trip because it was truly the best trip I have gone to. One of the reasons why it was the best trip was because I went to Peru with my friends and three teachers, Mr. Beyer, Mrs. Mili, and Ms. Amy. This was the first time I went on a trip without my family, and it was scary at first, but because I had my friends with me, it was a good experience.

We did so many different activities in Peru. Some of the activities we did were sand boarding, zip lining, visiting schools, dancing, visiting the kid’s hospital, and swimming in the hot springs. There were so many things we did in Peru that it is so hard to pick one thing that was memorable. Visiting the schools in Arequipa and Lima were very fun. We got to meet out pen pals and also the other students at the school to learn more about Peru and become closer. Everyone stared at us everywhere we walked. They especially stared at the Asians, including me. Ms. Mili, our teacher told us this is because there were not many Asian’s in Peru so it was like when we saw a white person in Korea. Some random people even came up to us asked us to take pictures with them. Our Destino Peru group also went sightseeing, shopping, and went to restaurants to try the Peruvian food. There is this traditional llama meat called Alpaca that we all got to try. (But I did not really like Alpaca) We also went to the Colca Canyon, the floating islands, and Machu Picchu. Everywhere we went, the scenery was incredibly beautiful. It is hard to explain in words. You could only know how beautiful Peru is by actually going there. I strongly encourage everyone to take a summer vacation to visit Peru once before they die, even though it is so far away, it is worth spending 30 hours on the plane and in the airports. I LOVED Peru, and it was my favorite trip that I have gone to. I would LOVE to go to Peru again before I die, that is also one of my goals. <3