Thursday, August 22, 2013

PROMPT#4: It is better to use your knowledge and experience to solve problems than ask other people for advice. Do you agree or disagree?

The question/prompt for today was: “It is better to use your knowledge and experience to solve problems than ask other people for advice. Do you agree or disagree?” I personally agree with using your own knowledge and experience of the past to solve a problem rather than asking other people for advice. At first, I agreed with the other side of the prompt that you should ask other people for help and listen to their advice. It never hurts anyone to ask questions or problems you do not know to a more intelligent student or friend in order to strengthen your knowledge and learn something new. The problem I found in asking other people for their advice all the time was what if you were alone? What if you did not know something and no one was there? That would reach a problem because for a person who has become used to a life of asking others for help all the time, it would be difficult for them to think individually in order to find their own answers.  Therefore, I strongly believe that for the benefits of everyone, it is better to use your knowledge and experience that you already know and have to solve problems rather than asking others for help and advice.
It is important to be able to do things without anyone’s help. It’s not like the person who is helping you would be there forever. Everyone moves on, and for individuals to move on, they should have their own knowledge and thoughts and should not depend on other people’s advice all the time. For example, a girl I knew in middle school had a tutor who helped her with all of her homework. I envied her because she got perfect scores on all of the homework grades while I got a few points taken off for grammatical errors. When I had to stay up really late to finish up my essay, she would say she finished her essay with her tutor and slept really early. I was young back then, so I thought to myself that time, maybe if I also got a tutor, the tutor could help me get better grades. After I thought about it for a while, I just erased that thought from my head and promised myself that I could do better by putting more effort into my work than that girl who had a tutor. After a week we took our chapter test, and it was to write an essay in 40 minutes. I finished in time and turned my essay in, but when I saw the other girl she had nothing written on her paper. It turns out; she had gotten so used to her tutor helping her that when she had to write an essay by herself, she could not think of anything to write about. Having a tutor is not a bad thing, because that tutor could help you to understand things you do not get, but you should not have a tutor that does everything for you. This showed me the necessity and significance of being able to do your own work individually.

Making good decisions are an important part of life that could change a person’s lifestyle in the future. My English teacher, Mr. Lee always told me that how much you study now could change your future husband’s face and job. I believe that everyone is responsible for taking care of their own life. A person should never let anyone make decisions and choices for them. As an individual, people should make their own decisions and learn how to stand up for themselves. It may be hard at first to ignore the advice from others but in the long run, everyone as individuals would be proud of themselves for making that choice to use their own knowledge and experience rather than ask other people for their advice and answers. 

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