Thursday, August 8, 2013

New School Year's Resolutions

One of my new school year’s resolution is to get my driver’s license and drive to school by myself. I live in Saipan which is one of the Northern Mariana Islands which is located in the Pacific Ocean. Saipan is part of the American territories, and here in Saipan, you can get your license right after your sixteenth birthday. My goal is to become a better driver than my friend. My friend tends to drive depending on her mood. If she had a good day at school she would drive calmly but if she had a bad day at school then she would drive really fast and dangerously.  I also want to drive better than my brother. In my opinion my brother is one of the worst drivers I have ever seen in the WORLD. My goal is to be a better driver than my brother. My mom is going to teach me how to drive this year. My brother graduated and is going to college so now I will have to learn how to drive because my brother won’t be here to drive me to places. I also want to learn how to drive because if my mom is sick or tired and I suddenly have to go somewhere, I do not want to have to make my mom drive for me.

My second resolution for the new school year is memorize the book, “Word Smart”. This will help me get a better score on the SAT, ACT, and TOEFL. I am not an American citizen so I have to take the TOEFL in order to get into colleges. I have been memorizing vocabulary words but I always forget them quickly. This year I will really concentrate and try my best to reach my goal to memorize the book, “Word Smart” so that it will make me more intelligent and it will help me improve my scores on the English sections of tests I have to take. When I was a freshman in high school I thought I had a lot of time left until I had to take the big tests to go to a good college. I feel like I was a freshman yesterday but now I am already a junior. Now I realized I only have two more years in high school, and then I will have to go to college! For a better future and my knowledge, I hope I can accomplish this goal before next school year.

My third resolution for the new school year is to get straight A’s for all of the classes at school. I learned how important your GPA (grade point average) is when you are going to graduate and go to college. I also learned this year that the valedictorian (the student with the highest GPA in the class) and the Saledictorian (the student with the second highest GPA in the class) are chosen by calculating all of the GPA of your grades from freshmen year to senior year. That shows that you should do your best every school year of your high school years because every year’s GPA grades are added and averaged to get your average for the four years you spent in high school. My brother, Joon was the valedictorian for his class but for his class it was interesting because he tied with his friend Jeong Hwan. The graduation for the seniors last year had two valedictorians and no saledictorians. Even though I wish I could be a valedictorian or the saledictorian for my class, my goal for now is to get all A’s this school year and work as hard as I can to get good grades and make my mom happy that I am her daughter.

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