Monday, December 9, 2013

PROMPT 23 "What is the Strongest Strength of Human?"

I guess the greatest strength of human is LOVE. Today’s prompt is “What is the greatest strength of human?” and I have chosen LOVE. Love can make a person do anything, from my point of view. Love is the strongest strength of a human. Even though love is the strongest strength of humans, this does not mean that love does not have advantages and disadvantages to it.
Love could cure illnesses, or more specifically, the power of love could cure illnesses. The more love you give and show to a person, the more they feels like they are worth something and tries to become a better person. For people in the hospitals, if it was not for their family and friends who support them to get better and live on, they would simply lose hope and want to die. Showing care and making a person feel like they are special is a big thing for people who are sick. People who are sick lose hope quickly and often think they are just a useless person who is doing harm to their own family by having to waste precious money that the family could be using to pay for other things to pay for the hospital bills. Patients often have the wrong thought that even when they get better and come out of the hospital, they would not be able to make money and always have to have a person look after him or her which would just be a nuisance for the family. For example, in Korea, there was a case where a grandpa and a grandma suicide by jumping off ship. The grandma had an illness where she could not remember the past and acted like a child because she had lost all of her memory. The grandpa and the grandma had been very poor and because of a storm, their house collapsed because of a tree that fell onto the house. From what the news reporters reported, they think that the grandma and grandpa had lost all the hope they had and felt useless so they both commit suicide. They showed a cctv clip where it shows the grandpa helping the grandma fall off of the ship, then he follows the grandma by jumping off too. This is a very depressing story because it was reported that the grandma and grandpa had children, and all of their children were very sad and mad that they could not do anything that would have let their parents to live on. This is because of the lack of love the children showed to their parents. The strength of love could help a person get through the hardest time of their lives.

                There are many stories about how helpless animals are nurtured with love and how they change. Last week, I saw a photo on Facebook where it showed one photo of a dog with skin disease and no hair growing on its body. Then the next photo showed a photo of the SAME dog but this time the dog had a HUGE AMOUNT of hair. There was a paragraph written that was explaining what had happened to this dog. A woman had found her a year ago next to the trash can, looking like a skeleton because it had not eaten anything for days. The woman brought the dog home and took care of the dog and a year after; the dog became healthy and fat. This shows how effective a person’s actions could affect another animal’s life.  The power of love was the main key point that made it possible for the dog to become healthy and happy again. 

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