Thursday, November 14, 2013

PROMPT #20 “Should SIS Have Uniforms or Not?”

        UNIFORMS! UNIFORMS! UNIFORMS! Today’s topic is if SIS should have uniforms or not. SIS is my school’s name, called Saipan International School. We DO NOT HAVE uniforms at our school right now. From all of the schools I’ve been to, about half of the schools had uniforms. A school called Trinity Christian School in Guam, and a school called Shanghai Community International School. The schools I’ve been to that did not have uniforms were Shanghai American School in China and Saipan International School in Saipan. Exactly two of the schools I’ve been to had uniforms and two schools did not. I do not really care if my school has uniforms or not. I would just wear uniforms if the school tells me to. If they tell me that I could wear anything I want to, then I would just wear anything. There are some kinds of students who are totally against uniforms. If our school got uniforms, they would probably protest and not wear the uniforms even if it becomes a mandatory thing.
I would not protest and make posters against uniforms, because I do not really care. But what I DO CARE ABOUT if the uniforms are really ugly. If they make a uniform and it is really ugly, then I would probably protest to change the design, but not to exempt the uniform entirely. I think that there aren’t just disadvantages of uniforms but also advantages. The advantage could be that no one would be looked down on or bullied because of what they wear. People say that by having uniforms students would have to pay more because they would have to pay for the uniforms they wear. This is a misunderstood statement because by having uniforms, you would not have to buy clothes every day to wear to school. You go to school five days a week and so you would not need as many clothes as you did before you had uniforms. Also some students do not have the money to buy a lot of clothes so they would just wash their clothes overnight and wear it the next day. Students at school always bully and laugh at the person who does that. Some bad things about uniforms are that if you have them it could really compare people. If the school has uniforms, the students would be compared. If a girl is really fat and ugly and there is a girl who is really skinny and pretty, the fat girl would be bullied upon because she is fat. They could tease her of how the really skinny girl looks so pretty in the uniforms but the fat girl looks really UGLY AND FAT.
                A good point that people make to have no uniforms is that if there are no uniforms, they could express their style by what they wear. Students say that they should not have uniforms because they want to express their own style instead of having to wear the same clothes as everyone else. THE POINT THAT PARENTS MAKE is that if uniforms are not mandatory, students wear anything they want to. The bad part of wearing anything they want is that some girls wear inappropriate clothes. Some high school girls wear really short pants or shirts that show too much skin. Parents of younger ages DO NOT LIKE THIS because there was a time when one of a young student in elementary school went home and told his mom that he saw high school girl’s butts. This is a big reason why there should be uniforms, but if teachers prevent those girls from wearing really short pants and shirts then the school should not have uniforms. SIS should NOT have uniforms because there are no girls who wear shorts that show their butts and shirts that show their breasts.

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