Every parent in the world has their own ways of teaching
their children different things. Everyone in the world has different
personalities, therefore have many different ways of living. Some things may be
important to one family whereas the same thing would not be as important to
another family. The NUMBER ONE THING I would teach my children would be to
listen and respect people who are older than them. I want my kids to have
manners, and be known and kids who are bright and friendly. When I say be
respectful and listen to people who are older than my children, I do not mean
to do every single thing an older person tells my child to do, but to be
respectful. If someone older asks for money or asks to do something that is
part of a felony like stealing something or bullying someone, I would not want
my kids to do that. I would teach my kids what is right and wrong, and how to get
along with various people.
I do
not want my child to be one of those kids who cannot socialize. I want my
children to have many friends but to study at the same time. Not a NERD but NOT
a JOCK. Just in the middle, like how I am right now. I would teach my children
how to talk nicely to elders with respect and how to say “Hello” in a
respectful way. I would always remind my kids that they should not use a lot of
swear words and that they should always study because that is the key for
future success. I understand how hard it is to do sports and have the time to
study at the same time, but I know it is not impossible, so I would make my
kids study but also do sports so that they would be healthy. From personal
experience, I know that doing sports can release stress. I want my children to
have a good life where they have time to hang out with their friends, but also
the time to study hard and get good grades. If my son or daughter loses in a
sport game or fails on a test, I would not get mad and scorn them over and over
again, I would let them have their space but later I would explain to them how
grades are really important.

I want
my children to be successful when they grow up. I want my kids to be able to
keep their heads up and not be looked down by on anyone. I am really
competitive, so I always want to win or get good grades. When I get a bad
grade, even though I smile and make it look like I’m fine with the grade I got,
in my heart I am mad at myself for not knowing the answers and for getting the
questions wrong. If my kids inherit my personality, I also want to teach them
how to let it out. I do not want my children to have to have so much stress
because they take everything in and act lie everything is fine. When things are
not going well, or if my child does not like something, I would teach my child
how to let his or her feelings out. Having a lot of friends and being popular is
not the most important thing of a person’s life. I think that for my children,
I would teach them that in high school years, they should really study hard in
order to get into a good college, and once they get into a college, I would let
them do what they want to, under a certain limit.